A film by
Stéphane Lafleur
Marie-Ginette Guay, Gilbert Sicotte, Fanny Mallette, Réal Bossé
2007 – Canada – French – 103 minutes – 16mm – Color
Awards & Festivals
– Mostra de Venise – Best Film
– Toronto Int. Film Festival – City TV Award for Best First Canadian Feature Film
– Namur Int. Film Festival – Bayard d’Or and Prix Studio L’Équipe
– 10e soirée des Jutra – Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screeplay
Les Films Christal
Séville International
A Man wakes up on a bus. Everyone has left. Night has fallen. He gets off the bus, and finds himself alone. The bus has stopped at the edge of a forest. On either side, the road is veiled by darkness. From the forest, he hears sounds – night-time forest sounds. After much hesitation, the Man enters the forest, disappearing into the darkness.
Continental (Continental, un film sans fusil) features four characters whose lives will be affected by that Man’s disappearance. Lucette, his wife, who anxiously awaits his return. Louis, a young father whose relationship with his wife is going through confusing times. Chantal, a hotel receptionist who dreams of sharing her life with someone else. And Marcel, an ex-gambler confronted by the realities of aging. Although told separately, these stories end up intersecting and mirroring each other.
A bittersweet black comedy, Continental takes a playful look at individual vulnerability and the fragile link that connects us to our fellow human beings.
Writer and director: Stéphane Lafleur
Producers: Luc Déry, Kim McCraw
Line producer: Claude Paiement
Director of photography: Sara Mishara
Production designer: André-Line Beauparlant
Costume designer: Sophie Lefebvre
Editor: Sophie Leblond
Music: Hugo Lavoie et Stéphane Lafleur
Sound: Pierre Bertrand, Sylvain Bellemare, Bernard Gariépy Strobl